It’s National Entrepreneurs’ Day 2021!

It’s NATIONAL ENTREPRENEURS’ DAY 2021: officially proclaimed by POTUS and massively celebrated by me as a cheerleader for my fellow entrepreneurs (current and future).

In honor of Entrepreneurs’ Day, I am sharing part of my story AND this photo of me capturing a pivotal moment in time during my “entrepreneurial journey”. I am wearing 3 prototypes of my product invention after testing them for various configurations and durability in Florida on sand, under the sun, in water…all of the things. To say that I was deliriously happy that the samples functioned the way that I wanted them to function after months (blood, sweat and tears) of designing and creating is an understatement. Expert tip: do NOT underestimate the importance of a perfected prototype. Some things do not need to be “perfect” in the creation process, however this is not one of those things. One should not move forward with a product launch plan until certain milestones are achieved and satisfactory user testing is an integral part of that. For me, this particular stage of testing meant that I could move forward with production and the patent applications! Whew.

LENGTHY BACKSTORY ALERT: I have always had an entrepreneurial spirit – I created a little store on the playground in elementary school when I realized my classmates needed certain supplies that we could not get on campus! However it was not until I switched careers after the age of 40 from banking to product creator that it became “official”.  I do not take the word lightly and know that it tends to be overused these days however I wear my “E” badge proudly.

After I discovered a gap in the market for a product that I wanted to purchase but could not find online or in stores, I traveled the road less taken by taking a huge leap into the world of creating a product from scratch. PRESTO: my patented RestoPresto® was born! It is a small pouch that unfolds to a water-repellent, soft and thin extra layer that you can sit on, sit under and wear (yes…all three). Perfectly transportable for busy people on-the-go.

Navigating the process to actually bring a concept to reality is NOT easy. It takes A LOT:  including a solid strategy. As I was building the RestoPresto business, I discovered another gap in the market. This time for a trustworthy advisor who not only understands the “macro” undertaking and has literally “been there and done that” but someone who can guide and advise with empathy. So my customized advisory business was born! Supply the demand!

With my solid corporate background, having a successful crowdfunding campaign under my belt and the understanding of how to get it done, , I apply my intellectual capital and leadership skills to help others bring their business ideas to life. All offerings are personalized and range from establishing an action plan, connecting the dots, filling the gaps, creating a Kickstarter success strategy, providing warm introductions to specialists (lawyers, designers, PR & marketing) and just about everything in-between that is necessary to successfully accelerate a project.

Search engines are great however it takes a village of experts to reduce the margin of error as much as possible so that you can efficiently launch your idea.

Contact me if you want to bounce business ideas around. I have helped many focus on the essentials to move projects forward AND to avoid unnecessary stress and costs. So if I can help you, I will. It’s my thing.


Please be well,


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