Each idea is as unique as the innovator...
Candi Obrentz provides customized plans and guidance to help you navigate all stages of the product creation process.
Collaborate. Accelerate. Execute.
Work with Candi.
Candi kept her "bolt of lightning" idea a secret until she revealed it via a crowdfunding campaign that was overfunded within the first 2 weeks.
She piloted the arduous processes of designing, sourcing, prototyping, manufacturing, assembly, fulfillment, shipping, launching an e-commerce website, obtaining a patent, registering a trademark and scoring a feature on The Today Show through exhaustive research, tenacity and partnering with specialists.
When you work with Candi, she will apply her extensive knowledge to create a personalized solution to accelerate your project properly.
You need an ethical & enthusiastic leader to help you launch.
Work with Candi.
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